What is Not True About DoD Travel Policy?

Navigating the intricacies of Department of Defense (DoD) travel policy can feel like charting a course through a maze. While the regulations are designed to ensure transparency and accountability in government travel, there are common misconceptions that can trip up even the most seasoned travelers.

Misconceptions about DoD travel policy abound, often leading to confusion and frustration among travelers. From the belief that all travel expenses are covered to the assumption that personal expenses are reimbursable, misinformation can result in costly mistakes and denied claims.

Understanding the Department of Defense (DoD) travel policy is crucial for military personnel and civilian employees. However, there are several misconceptions about what the policy entails. This article clarifies these misunderstandings, ensuring that you stay informed and compliant during your travels.

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Misconception 1: Personal Expenses Are Reimbursable

One common misconception is that personal expenses can be reimbursed. This is not true. DoD travel policy strictly prohibits the reimbursement of personal expenses. Items such as personal entertainment, alcoholic beverages, and personal phone calls are considered non-reimbursable. The policy focuses on covering costs that are directly related to official duties.

  •  Examples of Non-Reimbursable Personal Expenses
  •  Entertainment: Movie tickets, amusement park entries, and personal tours.
  •  Alcohol: Drinks purchased during meals or social events.
  •  Personal Calls: Phone calls made to friends and family.

Misconception 2: Receipts Are Not Necessary for Small Expenses

Another false belief is that receipts are not required for minor expenses. The truth is that the DoD requires receipts for all trip expenses claimed on the voucher, regardless of the amount. This ensures transparency and accountability for all expenditures.

Importance of Keeping Receipts

  • Verification: Receipts provide proof of purchase and are necessary for the audit process.
  •  Accuracy: They help in accurately documenting and claiming expenses.
  •  Compliance: Adhering to receipt requirements prevents potential disallowances during the review process.

Misconception 3: The JTR Is Just a Guideline

Some think that the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) is merely a guideline. In reality, the JTR is the primary reference for DoD travel regulations. It provides detailed rules and procedures for travel entitlements, allowances, and reimbursements. Ignoring the JTR can lead to non-compliance and denied claims.

Role of the JTR

  •  Authoritative Source: The JTR outlines all travel-related policies and regulations.
  •  Mandatory Compliance: Adherence to the JTR is not optional; it is required.
  •  Comprehensive Coverage: It covers various aspects of travel, including transportation, lodging, and per diem rates.

Misconception 4: An AO Can Approve Any Expense

There is a mistaken belief that an authorizing official (AO) can approve any expense. This is incorrect. An AO cannot approve payment for items not addressed by the JTR. All expenses must be explicitly mentioned in the JTR to be eligible for reimbursement.

Limits of AO Approval

  •  Guided by JTR: AOs must follow the JTR strictly when approving expenses.
  •  No Discretion: They cannot use personal discretion to approve non-compliant expenses.
  •  Reimbursement Criteria: Only expenses listed in the JTR are considered for reimbursement.

Misconception 5: Travel Advances Cover All Expenses

Many believe that travel advances cover all expenses. This is not the case. Travel advances are meant to cover anticipated out-of-pocket expenses but may not cover everything. Travelers must still adhere to the JTR guidelines for reimbursement of actual expenses incurred.

Understanding Travel Advances

  •  Pre-Trip Funds: Advances provide funds before travel to cover expected costs.
  •  Partial Coverage: They may not cover all expenses, especially unexpected ones.
  •  Reconciliation Required: Travelers must reconcile advances against actual expenses after the trip.

Misconception 6: No Need for Pre-Approval

Some assume that pre-approval for travel is unnecessary. This is a misconception. All official travel must be pre-approved by the relevant authorities. Without pre-approval, travel expenses may not be reimbursed, leading to out-of-pocket costs for the traveler.

Importance of Pre-Approval

  •  Authorization: Ensures that the travel is for official purposes.
  •  Budgeting: Helps in planning and allocating budget for travel expenses.
  •  Compliance: prevents unauthorized travel and ensures adherence to policy.

Misconception 7: All Travel Costs Are Covered

There’s a false notion that the DoD covers all travel costs. In reality, only specific, allowable expenses are covered. Travelers should consult the JTR to understand what is reimbursable and what is not.

Types of Covered Expenses

  •  Transportation: Airfare, train tickets, and mileage for personal vehicles used for official travel.
  •  Lodging: Hotel stays at the government rate or actual cost if lower.
  •  Meals and incidents: Per diem rates cover these expenses.

 Non-Covered Expenses 

  •  Luxury Services: Upgrades to first-class tickets or premium hotel rooms.
  •  Personal Services: Dry cleaning, personal grooming, and spa services.
  •  Unauthorized Fees: Fees for additional baggage or seat selections not pre-approved.

Misconception 8: Claims Can Be Filed Anytime

A common myth is that you can file travel claims anytime. However, DoD policy requires that travel vouchers be submitted promptly after the trip. Delays can result in non-reimbursement and potential disciplinary actions.

 Filing Deadlines

  •  Avoid Penalties: Prompt submission prevents penalties and ensures timely reimbursement.
  •  Docume- Timely Submission: Typically within five working days after completing travel.
  • Nation: Ensures all necessary documentation is provided while details are fresh.

Misconception 9: Personal Vehicles Are Always Reimbursed

There’s a belief that using a personal vehicle for travel is always reimbursed. This is not entirely true. Reimbursement for personal vehicle use is only allowed under specific conditions outlined in the JTR, such as cost-effectiveness compared to other transportation modes.

 Conditions for Reimbursement

  •  Cost-Effectiveness: Must be cheaper than commercial transportation.
  •  Official Approval: Use must be pre-approved by the AO.
  •  Mileage Rates: Reimbursed at established government mileage rates.

Misconception 10: Travel Policies Are the Same for All Agencies

Some think that DoD travel policies are similar to those of other government agencies. While there are similarities, each agency may have specific policies and procedures that must be followed.

 Agency-Specific Policies

  •  DoD Regulations: Governed by the JTR and specific DoD instructions.
  •  Other agencies May have their own travel regulations and guidelines.
  •  Consultation Required: Always check with your agency’s travel office for specific rules.


What is the source of DoD travel regulations?

The Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) is a source of DoD travel regulations.

Which of the following statements is true JTR?

The JTR is the primary reference for DoD travel regulations.

Which item is a benefit of using the travel card?

One of the benefits of using the travel card is streamlined payment processing.

What is one of the advantages of the GSA city pair flights?

One advantage of GSA city pair flights is discounted rates for government travelers.

What does DoD mean in travel?

DoD stands for Department of Defense in travel.


DoD travel policy is often misunderstood, leading to misconceptions. It does not provide unlimited spending or reimbursements, nor does it allow for personal travel expenses to be covered. The policy strictly governs travel expenses to ensure cost-effective and mission-related travel only. Another false belief is that all travel requests are automatically approved, while in reality, they undergo a stringent approval process. Understanding these key aspects helps avoid confusion and ensures compliance with DoD travel regulations.

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